Purple Yam Properties

Faculty of Medicine (FK) in collaboration with the Medical Faculty of Udayana University Universitas Gajah Mada University are conducting research on purple tubers to cure cancer.

"This study is a continuation of the assessment of various tubers that have been performed Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University," said Head of the Faculty of Agriculture Lab Biopesticide Udayana University, Prof. Dr. Ir Dewa Ngurah Suprapta, MSc in Denpasar on Saturday (9 / 2).

He said the results of an assessment of the tubers, especially the purple that is high in protein as well as drugs to cure cancer. The results of the research faculty of medicine is expected to reveal features purple tubers to cure cancer, said Ngurah Suprapta.

In Bali there are at least 75 types of plant tubers generally contain higher protein, as well as a cure for cancer and diabetes.

"Assessment of purple tubers to cure cancer has been carried out since five years ago and the results of the study is still deepened by both FK," said Ngurah Suprapta.

He beharap, if further research by both FK tubers showed a cure for cancer and other diseases will encourage people to consume them.

Initial study conducted showed tubers contain 'antiosiamnin' very good for health and the element was not found in rice or wheat, "said Ngurah Suprapta.

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